cb-ml - Editorial tool for multi language contents
cb-ml enables you to manage multi-lingual contents comfortably. This software also has the appropiate qualification for homepages with just one language that are not updated on a regular basis.
Further Information
On the project pages of Kulturserver and the [gGmbH] ggmbh.kulturserver.de you will find an overview of the network projects, network partners and activities as well as a presentation of the latest projects.
[Background information] www.culturebase.org and the idea behind the CultureBase network as well as the [imprint] www.culturebase.org/de_DE/impr... and information on the terms and conditions of use can also be found there.
On the project pages of Kulturserver and the [gGmbH] ggmbh.kulturserver.de you will find an overview of the network projects, network partners and activities as well as a presentation of the latest projects.
[Background information] www.culturebase.org and the idea behind the CultureBase network as well as the [imprint] www.culturebase.org/de_DE/impr... and information on the terms and conditions of use can also be found there.